Links to other sources of oxygen based information will be added as we find out about them.
The Oxygen Prescription
Note: Selection of quotes, links and information is intended for general knowledge about the field of ozone-oxygen in a variety of health and non-health related uses and professions. O3 Skincare™ makes no claims for our products relative to these quotes.
Reading The Oxygen Prescription by Nathanial Altman will introduce you to the larger subject of Oxidative Therapies and the many ways oxygen is being used in a variety of health-related fields. It is the intent of O3 Skincare to provide a natural and nourishing product that will contribute to your daily skincare regimes.
Here is a Link to the Author's web site.
Reading The Oxygen Prescription by Nathanial Altman will introduce you to the larger subject of Oxidative Therapies and the many ways oxygen is being used in a variety of health-related fields. It is the intent of O3 Skincare to provide a natural and nourishing product that will contribute to your daily skincare regimes.
Here is a Link to the Author's web site.
The Oxygen Prescription
Author, Nathaniel Altman, 2007
Selected Notes & Quotes
New studies since 1998 in Oxidative therapy:
One by Dr. Velio Bocci’s discoveries about how Ozone works in the body
Findings by scientists at the Scripps Research Institute revealing that ozone is actually produced by the body to help fight disease
Ozone has been used extensively in Europe for over 50 years to treat a wide variety of diseases. P.1
People he’s talked to for the book: Charles H. Farr, Velio Bocci, Frank Shallenberger, Horst Kief, Den Rasplicka, and Lyle Hassel
Oxygen therapies have been used for over 120 years. They first appeared in mainstream journals in 1888. P6
Ozone is one of three forms , called allotropes, of the element oxygen. Electrical sparks and ultraviolet light can cause ordinary oxygen to form ozone…an energized form of oxygen. Ozone was first used therapeutically to disinfect wounds during WW I. ..Ozone was the focus of considerable research during the 1930’s in Germany,where it was successfully used to treat patients suffering from inflammatory bowl disorders, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Disease and chronic bacterial diarrhea. As we will see later on in this book, there is evidence that ozone can destroy many viruses and abnormal tissue cells, including those related to hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, cancer, herpes, cytomegalovirus, and HIV. P. 7
Oxygen makes up 21% of the air we breathe. ..The oxygen in the air we breathe reacts with the sugars in our systems (from the food we eat and from the breakdown of fats and starch in the body) to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The energy from this process , a form of combustion, is stored in a compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is essentially the fuel we need to live, think and move. According to Sheldon Saul Hendler, M.D., in his book, The Oxygen Breakthrough, oxygen is the most vital component of ATP within our cells: “ATP is the basic currency of life. Without it, we are literally dead. Imbalances or interruption in the production and flow of this substance results in fatigue, disease and disorder, including immune imbalance, cancer, heart disease and all of the degenerative processes we associate with aging. P. 9 Quoting from The Oxygen Breakthrough p. 79
It is estimated we breathe in 2500 gallons of air each day. Trees take in carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen through a process of photo-synthesis, sending it back into the atmosphere for us to enjoy.
Oxygen is absolutely essential for healthy cells, as it acts, against foreign toxins in the body. Many toxins, like viruses and bacteria, are mostly anaerobic, meaning that they thrive in a low-oxygen environment. Cancer viruses are among those that are anaerobic. In 1966 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg confirmed that the key precondition for the development of cancer in a near lack of oxygen on the cellular level. P 9-10
P11 Oxidation involves a process of oxygen combining with another substance resulting in changes in the chemical composition of both substances. ..Oxyidation includes any reaction in which electrons are transferred. Most oxidation produces large amounts of energy in the form of light, heat, or electricity. The products of oxidation include corrosion, decay, burning or respiration.
Examples of oxidation: metals rust, butter left out goes rancid, combustion like lighting a fire,, starting our car engine, …
Oxidation occurs as combustion within the body when oxygen turns sugar into energy. Our body uses oxidation as its first line of defense against harmful bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites. Oxidation breaks down toxic cells into carbon dioxide and water, and they are removed from the body through its normal processes of elimination.
After oxidation the most important effect of breathing is oxygenation. Oxygenation involves saturation with oxygen, as in the aeration of blood in the lungs. …If the oxygenation process within the body is weak or deficient, the body cannot eliminate poisons adequately and a toxic reaction can occur.
This can lead in minor cases to fatigue, dullness, sluggishness and in chronic cases to an overall weakened immune response to germs and viruses.
p.12 Ozone and hydrogen produce free radicals—any molecule that possesses an unpaired electron, an electrically charged particle spinning in lonely orbit and searching for another electron to counterbalance it.”…Yet free radicals are not always bad….some are produced by the body to deliver energy to the cells….In addition, free radicals have a crucial role in killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses—without them we could not survive on earth.
Excess production of free radicals is the challenge not NO free radicals.
P13 Seeking Balance—the body’s antioxidant system
Antioxidants are enzymes that protect cells from free radicals by chemically changing them in to harmless compounds like oxygen and water. ..Some practitioners claim that because oxidation is essential fopr both life and healing it should not be seen as a negative process. They correctly point out that our minds often think in terms of “good” and “bad, “ with oxidation viewed as bad and antioxidation viewed as good. Yet neither is bad or good; instead, together they are essential for healing. For this reason, some physicials feel that the term reduction is a more appropriate term.
The body’s oxidative/reduction system….
Ozone-oxygen is a form of superactive oxygen. When it is made biologically available to the body it has two reactions: 1. The production of hydrogen peroxide (along with other chemicals known as reactive oxygen species (ros) and lipid oxidation products (called LOPS)…The ROS are believed to be immediately responsible for the first reaction of free radical production. However, within a few seconds the oxidized antioxidants ar recycled back in reduced form leading to more positive biological effects….resulting in
Improved oxygen delivery to the body. P16
LOP’s are both positive and long term….Antioxidant enzymes have been found to neutralize oxidative stress ….Dr. Bocci believes LOPs can mobilize endogenous stem cells…which can promote regeneration of ischemic tissues….therapeutic ozone stimulates the body’s immune system. P17
Simply put, oxidative therapies can help accelerate oxygen metabolism and stimulate the release of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells. When levels of oxygen increase, the potential for disease decreases. P.17
P 18 …a German study evaluating the adverse side effects of over 5 million medically administered ozone treatments found that the rate of adverse side effects was only 0.0007 per application. This figure is lower than any other type of medical therapy. (Marie Theres Jacobs, “Adverse Effects and Typical complications in Ozone-Oxygen Therapy,” Ozonachrichten, 1982, no. 1:193-201.
P38 Oxidative therapies only assist the body to heal itself
Bulk of medical research has taken place in Cuba, Russia, Germany, and Italy
Study at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, Ca., received worldwide attention. Published in Science.
It showed that: in addition to hydrogen peroxide, ozone may be naturally produced by the human body to help kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. These antibodies may not only kill pathogens directly but might also promote inflammatory and other immune responses. Paul Wentworth et al, “Evidence for Antibody-Catalyzed Ozone Formation in Bacterial Killing and Inflammation, “ Science (Nov. 15, 2002) : 1319.
If this study is accurate, the fact that ozone is naturally produced by the human body removes from it the stigma of being classified as a “foreign element.”
Another North American study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal….showed that ozone can kill HIV, the hepatitis and herpes viruses, and other agents in blood used for transfusion in vitro. The article’s Arthur added, “The systemic use of ozone in the treatment of aids could not only reduce the virus load but also possibly revitalize the immune system.” A.C. Baggs, “Are Worry Free Transfusions Just a Whiff of Ozone Away?” Canadian Medical Journel (April 1, 1993), 82-83
Medical Ozone research has been carried out in Cuba since 1985…and offers training for physicians from Cuba as well as other countries. P40
p.42 Dr. Bocci of Italy was the first to scientifically explain how ozone actually works when added to blood removed from the body and reinfused into the patient..rather than merely kill bacteria and viruses directly through oxidation, ozone induces a cascade of complex immunological reactions within the body that promote health and healing.
P42 Because ozone works primarily to stimulate the body’s immune reactions through transient oxidative stress, and because blood is composed of a number of cells with different functions, the range of human health problems that can respond favorably to ozone therapy is quite broad.
P42 for list of conditions currently being treated with ozone therapy
Chapter 24, p218
Athletic performance, preventive health, and healthy aging
P218 Ozone therapy can have many benefits for athletes: it not only enhances tissue oxygenation but also increases production of adenosine triphosphate, resulting in more energy and faster recovery. Ozone can also delay the onset of anaerobic fermentation of sugar in cells and reduce lactic acid build up, thus helping prevent sore muscles and improving recovery time after exertion. P 218
P 219 While many physicians use oxygen therapies primarily for crises care, some, like Dr. Frank Shallenberger, believe that occasional transient oxidative stress can do much to strengthen the body’s natural immune defenses. As a result, the body is better able to fight off diseases related to viriuses, bacteria, and fungi and resist degenerative diseases like arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes.
Professor Shadia Bakkarat of Ain Shams University in Cairo presented at the First International Conference on Medical Ozone in Cairo, 2006…She believes that ozone therapy at the late postmenopausal stage can improve altered mitochondrial density, collagen density, and vascular smooth muscle thickness. Specifically, it can do the following:
· Induce capillary vascular remodeling by promoting angiogenesis (the formation and differentiation of blood vessels).
· Promote tissue oxygenation and enhance the body’s antioxidant enzyme capacity, and antioxidant enzyme capacity status.
· Enhance nitrous oxide release
· Promotet vasoregulation
· Increase antioxidant defense p221